Helping you to reach the balance of body, mind and soul.
Discover the transformative power of our holistic and integrative Body-Mind-Soul approach at the Holistic.Clinic. We go beyond treating physical symptoms and difficulties, incorporating scientific knowledge and ancestral wisdom to create personalized wellness programs.
Our blend of complimentary and traditional therapies aims to address your complete system, enhancing your resilience and promoting genetic health expression.
Studies support the statement that the whole system of being and functional links between mind and body, may be particularly effective in treating the range of symptoms associated with chronic disease. As Socrates said “the part can never be well unless the whole is well”.
Embark on a journey towards holistic wellbeing today. Whether you’re seeking a single transformative session or a comprehensive wellbeing improvement program, we are here to support you.
Contact us now to schedule your appointment and experience the power of our holistic approach to wellness. Start your transformative journey with us now!
For Your Body

Genome Sequencing and Analysis to optimize your health, diet, physical activity, and fitness
Massage Therapy and Myofascial Release program in Western Norway to unlock your body’s full potential by releasing deep-seated tension, alleviating chronic pain and blocked emotions, while enhancing mobility.
For Your Mind

Psychological Wellbeing counseling and coaching in a safe, supportive and stable environment for smooth emotional, cognitive, and behavioral change.
CBT and Hypnotherapy to unlock your full potential by eliminating limiting beliefs, habits, and phobias, utilizing evidence-based therapeutic techniques.
For Your Soul

Soul Transformation Therapy. Heal the core issues and emotional blocks to achieve personal growth and empowerment.
Yoga Nidra to enhance your physical and mental health while deepening your intuition and insight.

Therapy success depends on the teamwork between the therapist and the client, hence your intention, willingness and readiness to participate are crucial.
Germain is highly intuitive, deeply compassionate listener who brings clarity to whatever perceived blocks may be holding you from moving forward in your life”.
Christina M.
Book Your Free Consultation to Set a Plan for Your Success
- The initial 15-20 minutes phone or video consultation helps us to agree on the most helpful personalised approach.
- Most therapy sessions are delivered online via Zoom (GMT), some in person in London (addresses below).
Addresses, by appointment only:
338 City Rd, The Angel, London, EC1V 2PY
Blue House Yard, 5 River Park Rd, N22 7TB
"Healthcare cannot be based on the body alone. Though the application of technologies to biological faults can be immensely valuable, it is incomplete."
"Effective humane healthcare must take into account peoples’ thoughts and feelings, their relationships and spiritual life. Far greater emphasis should be placed on preventing ill-health..."
The change process begins with you, fill in your application above!

Based on:
Hartman, D., & Zimberoff, D. (2011). Hypnosis and hypnotherapy in the milieu of
integrative medicine: Healing the mind/body/spirit. Journal of Heart Centered Therapies, 14(1), 41.
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ensure the safe and effective use of complementary and alternative medicine within Dutch mental health care. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 17(12), 1197-1201.
Kanherkar, R. R., Stair, S. E., Bhatia-Dey, N., Mills, P. J., Chopra, D., & Csoka, A. B. (2017). Epigenetic Mechanisms of Integrative Medicine. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2017, 4365429.
Leung, P. P., Chan, C. L., Ng, S., & Lee, M. (2009) Towards body-mind-spirit integration: East
meets West in clinical social work practice. Clinical Social Work Journal, 37(4), 303-311.
Michalopoulos, M.N. (2018). Mind/Body Healing: Hypnotherapy, Functional/Integrated Medicine, Epigenetics, Cancer & the Immune System. Journal of Heart Centered Therapies, Mar-22-2018.
Taylor, A. G. (2010). Top-Down and Bottom-up Mechanisms in Mind-Body Medicine: Development of an Integrative Framework for Psychophysiological Research. Explore (NY), 1(29), 1-28.