Counseling and Coaching 
facilitating emotional, cognitive and behavioural change
The Person-Centred Experiential Approach
Psychological wellbeing can be distinguished as:
- self-acceptance,
- positive relations with others,
- autonomy,
- environmental mastery,
- purpose in life and
- personal growth.
A typical client who realises that he/she needs help and support in all or several of these areas of wellbeing:
- feels dissatisfied with self, is disappointed with what has occurred in past life, is troubled about certain personal qualities, wishes to be different than what he or she is,
- has few close, trusting relationships with others; finds it difficult to be warm, open, and concerned about others; is isolated and frustrated in interpersonal relationships; not willing to make compromises to sustain important ties with others,
- is concerned about the expectations and evaluations of others, relies on judgement of others to make important decisions, conforms to social pressures,
- has difficulty managing everyday affairs, feels unable to change or improve surrounding context, is unaware of surrounding opportunities, lacks sense of control over external world,
- lacks a sense of meaning in life; has few goals or aims, lacks sense of direction; does not see purpose in past life; has no outlooks or beliefs that give life meaning,
- has a sense of personal stagnation, lacks sense of improvement or expansion over time, feels bored and uninterested with life, feels unable to develop new attitudes or behaviours.
The change process begins with you, fill in your application below!
During the counseling and coaching sessions we help you to move towards the higher levels of these dimensions.
Focusing on the bodily felt sensations and your unique way of experiencing the world and existence, your current coping skills and strengths, we assist in finding ways to live meaningfully and to make the best of different life situations, to build and maintain optimal relationships, and in facilitating emotional, cognitive and behavioural changes.
The power comes from coping well with your painful experiences by working through them or shifting attention to the good and positive things in your life. Positive psychology provides an alternative to a deep-rooted tendency to look at yourself and others in a negative light. It helps you identify your talents and bring out the best in yourself.
We also integrate the hedonistic approach, situated primarily within the physical domain, as well as the eudaimonic approach, in which a central place is given to personal, social and spiritual aspects of wellbeing
Positive Psychology PERMA Model
- Positive Emotion
- Engagement
- Relationships
- Meaning
- Accomplishment
– the five pillars and permanent building blocks for a life of profound fulfilment and flourishing.
4 Dimensions of Existential Wellbeing
Existential wellbeing implies becoming conscious of all 4 dimensions, even though many people associate wellbeing only with the physical dimension (food, clothing, material safety, comfort).
The three other dimensions are also essential for achieving the existential wellbeing:
In the social dimension, good relationships and activities that enable you to have meaning for others are indispensable (family, friends, “belonging”). Human life is only possible through interaction with a social network in which fellow humans are committed to each other.
Wellbeing in the personal & psychological dimension is more complex. It presupposes that your self-knowledge is accompanied by acceptance of your limitations as well as recognition of your talents.
Spiritual wellbeing involves an inspired or passionate life that can be expressed through your interaction with nature, other people, yourself and the greater whole. An absence of the spiritual dimension leads to a superficial life, emptiness and meaninglessness, which can manifest in apathy, depression, burnout or other mood disorders.
During the counseling and coaching sessions we help you to navigate through the nuisances of your experiences and improve your wellbeing in all four dimensions.

“Joy is all about togetherness with others;
Vaillant G.E.
happiness is to do with reducing your own stress. Happiness allows us to run away from pain, whereas joy allows us to acknowledge that pain exists. Happiness is not a base emotion, because happiness is for the most part cognitive. Joy is, by way of contrast, a primary emotion. Joy is a gut feeling. Joy allows us to laugh from our bellies”
Book Your Free Consultation to Set a Plan for Your Success
- The initial 15-20 minutes phone or video consultation helps us to agree on the most helpful personalised approach.
- Please note that currently most therapy sessions are carried out remotely via Zoom (GMT)
Based on:
Leijssen, M. (2013). Leven vanuit liefde. Tielt: Lannoo.
Ryff, C.D., & Keyes, C.L.M. (1995), The Structure of Psychological Well-Being Revisited. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69, 719-727.
Seligman, M.E.P. (2002). Authentic Happiness. New York: Free Press.
Seligman, M.E.P. (2011) Flourish : a visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being. New York : Free Press.
Vaillant, G.E. (2002). Aging well. Boston: Little, Brown.