DNA Analysis by My Toolbox Genomics

to improve your health, diet, physical activity and well-being

Understand your predispositions and track your progress to a healthier you with epigenetics!

Every two weeks My Toolbox Genomics hosts a half hour live stream with Dr. Erika Gray.

These videos are available to view, download and share previews with attribution.

You can watch any of the previews and episodes for free in Health & Wellness Video Library. The latest episodes include:

  • DNA, Epigenetics & Skin Care
  • Women’s Health: Coping With The Pandemic
  • The Role of DNA & Epigenetics in the Cardio-Vascular System
  • Immunity & Improved Immune Response
  • The Role of DNA & Epigenetics in Stress & Sleep
  • Discover What That “Gut Feeling” Means
  • Weight Loss and DNA
  • My Toolbox Genomics – 7% discount code HC7

    Compare the My Toolbox Genomics Tests – PDF

    Toolbox Genomics DNA Tests - 7% off with HC7 code
    Toolbox Genomics DNA Tests – 7% off with HC7 code


    What you are born with

    By understanding your genes, you will gain insights into genetically influenced health pre-dispositions. With personalized exercise, diet, supplement and lifestyle guidance, you can take control and make the most out of your DNA.


    What you do with it

    Epigenetics are expressions of your DNA, impacted by your lifestyle and environment. The respective genes can be turned ’on’ or ‘off’ through targeted lifestyle interventions, which can be tracked with repeat testing. Follow your epigenetic changes to take control of your genes!

    Get the 7% off any My Toolbox Genomics test !


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