What’s Your Risk of Developing Stress-related illnesses?

The quiz is based on the Schedule of Recent Experience, developed by Dr. Holmes and his associates, which allows you to quantify how many changes you’ve experienced in the past few months and consider how these stressful events may have increased your vulnerability to illness. The main purpose of this scale, however, is to increaseContinue reading “What’s Your Risk of Developing Stress-related illnesses?”

Identify Your Chakra Blockages

This is an extensive 110 questions (Yes/No) self-assessment quiz. We encourage you to be honest in your responses as there are no right or wrong answers, just go with your gut instinct and intuition – choose the first answer that comes to mind. The first step toward self-discovery and healing is knowing where the blocksContinue reading “Identify Your Chakra Blockages”

Exploring the Depths of Your Mind: Unveiling the Power of Dreams

Have you ever found yourself intrigued by the mysteries of your own mind? Dreams, memories, and emotions hold immense potential for self-discovery and healing. If you’ve been searching for a way to explore the hidden corners of your psyche, uncover unresolved conflicts, and embark on a transformative journey towards healing, look no further. Introducing ourContinue reading “Exploring the Depths of Your Mind: Unveiling the Power of Dreams”

What’s Your Level on Daytime Sleepiness?

Tired? Sleepy? Can’t concentrate? This quiz, based on Epworth Sleepiness Scale, is a tool to help you identify your own level of daytime sleepiness, which can often by a symptom of a sleep disorder. Research suggests that a sleep-deprived person cannot focus attention optimally and therefore cannot learn efficiently. Adequate sleep is a key partContinue reading “What’s Your Level on Daytime Sleepiness?”