In the midst of our fast-paced and materialistic world, many individuals find themselves yearning for something more. Beyond the external trappings of success, lies a deeper quest for inner fulfillment and purpose. If you resonate with this desire and seek guidance on your personal journey of self-discovery, then this blog post is your guiding light.Continue reading “Embracing the Journey Within: Unveiling the Benefits of Spiritual Coaching”
Tag Archives: selfcare
Discovering Serenity Within Chaos: Harnessing the Benefits of Yoga Nidra
Amid the chaos of life, it can be too easy to become overwhelmed and disconnected from one’s core. In response to feelings of stress and busyness, it is natural to seek out a haven of quiet in the midst of the tumult. If this is something that resonates with you, Yoga Nidra may be yourContinue reading “Discovering Serenity Within Chaos: Harnessing the Benefits of Yoga Nidra”
What’s Your Level of Healthy Living?
Find out your level of healthy living know-how! On top of that, you will get tips on how to overcome some of the habits that may be holding you back from feeling your healthiest and happiest…
How can stress be good for you?
It may seem strange to even consider that stress can be good for us. We are always being told about the negative effects of stress and how we should do everything in our power to avoid it. However, the right amount of stress can be good for us.
Can it be that you are Depressed?
This test is based on PHQ-9 and facilitates in recognition of symptoms of depression. Thinking about the past TWO WEEKS, select how often you have been bothered by certain things from the following list.
What’s Your Level of Wellbeing?
This 23-questions quiz is based on the PERMA model’s 5 pillars of wellbeing (positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, accomplishment) with negative emotion and health. Based on you results you will get some tips and tools to improve these main areas of wellbeing.
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a technique that helps patients reduce stress and anxiety. By allowing the patient’s mind to relax, it can help the patient to explore their past and gain insight on their behaviors. When the client is in a hypnotic state, the therapist will instruct the client to focus on their body. The therapist willContinue reading “What is Hypnotherapy?”