This test is based on PHQ-9 and facilitates in recognition of symptoms of depression. Thinking about the past TWO WEEKS, select how often you have been bothered by certain things from the following list.
Tag Archives: stress
What’s Your Level of Wellbeing?
This 23-questions quiz is based on the PERMA model’s 5 pillars of wellbeing (positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, accomplishment) with negative emotion and health. Based on you results you will get some tips and tools to improve these main areas of wellbeing.
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a technique that helps patients reduce stress and anxiety. By allowing the patient’s mind to relax, it can help the patient to explore their past and gain insight on their behaviors. When the client is in a hypnotic state, the therapist will instruct the client to focus on their body. The therapist willContinue reading “What is Hypnotherapy?”